I have about 12 young students that i teach the basics of sewing (Sewing 101). Last weekend, I was to guide them on how to make measurements for various styles of wares ranging from skirt to pants. I needed each student to have a dummy to him/herself during the practical and it wouldnt be cost effective to have each student purchase a plastic dummy for the practical, so a thought clicked- why not have them make a makeshift stuffed dummy. Oh yes, that we did and it was superb! You can try it as well. Although the steps are somewhat lengthy, but very graphic and easy to follow. Lets get started!
Things You Will Need:
- two Suit bags(garment bags) or 3 yards fabric
- a pair of scissors
- thread
- sewing machine
- office pins
- tailor chalk
- old and worn out clothing or old newspapers/dailies
1. CUT AND JOIN THE TWO GARMENT BAGS: a dummy is more or less of human height. First, we need to join two garment bags to get the near appropriate height we want(use a 3 yard fabric where garment bags are not handy). So, cut off the tips of the bags where you have openings (usually, where the hanger passes out), this is to avoid having a broken-headed stuffed dummy, sort of. Lol. NB: Do not remove the middle zipper on each of the bags.
2. STITCH BOTH ENDS TOGETHER: using the office pins, pin both ends together and cut off the excess before stitching with the sewing machine. Pin from both zipper tips and work it up towards the sides in order to have the extra by the side ( see the picture). Cut off the extra and stitch round with your machine( read my post on how to sew with the machine as a starter). However, you can use hand needle and thread if you do not have a sewing machine or you do not know how to tread the machine yet. NB: Do not iron the garment bag except you are using a fabric, and if you must, set the pressing iron to its lowest heat. I almost got it burnt when I tried ironing.
3. DRAWINGS AND MEASUREMENTS/ARITHEMETIC: In order to get the dummy pattern, we are going to do both concurrently. That is, measure out, draw, measure out, draw and so on. Now, the length of the garment bag should be about 65 inches long. Spread it out on a flat surface, and start with the head measurement. If you need a dummy of your size and shape, use your body measurements. Here we go…! You need to measure and draw appropriately, use your tailor chalk to make marks as you measure. Click here for the arithmetic and how to measure. MEASURE the following:
- length and circumference of your head.
- length and circumference of your neck
- shoulder length- from one shoulder to the other
- circumference of the bust and the abdomen
- length of shoulder to bust and bust to waist
- circumference of the hip
- length of the buttocks- from the waist to the end of the buttocks
- circumference of the thigh
- length of the leg- from the waist down to the feet
Now, using your tailor chalk, trace the marks of measurements to form the pattern. (see the pictures). Then, cut out the pattern as in the picture. Pardon my lousy artistry, I know you can do better than this. Lol. NB: Cut out with care, better to move around it while cutting than having it moved( this will ensure cutting out the exact shape). PLEASE, DO NOT discard the pattern piece you cut out from the crotch/leg area, it will serve as the sleeve pattern, keep it aside for now(see picture).
4.STITCH THE PATTERN: Before stitching, ensure that the right sides are inside or facing each other. You are going to stitch on the wrong side, so turn the pattern over such that the right sides are touching each other (see the picture); using office pins, pin round the edges of the pattern, this will prevent the joined edges from shifting around when you sew, it will also ensure stabilization as you stitch. PLEASE, DO NOT stitch the armholes as well. Measure out 8-9inches( ideally, armholes are usually 8-9inches) from the shoulder and leave it open.(see picture).
5. JOIN AND STITCH THE SLEEVE: In number 3 above, remember I said the pattern cut out from the crotch/leg area would make do for the sleeve? Yes. Join and stitch the sleeve patterns to the armholes (read my post on tutorial on how to cut and sew sleeve patterns). Then turn out the right side out. And here we go…!
The End of Stage One…At this stage, with just little adjustments, you can convert this dummy case into a boiler suit or overalls. Oh yes, you can. If you desire the tips, mail me and I will gladly send you detailed step by step tutorial on how to do the conversion. However, our journey continues…
STUFFING: For the stuffing, you may choose to use your old and worn out clothing or old newspapers/dailies. I prefer using old newspapers because it gives you a lighter/weightless dummy. Using clothing will give the same perfect effect but you surely will need to hire a superman to help you move your dummy around. Lol. Going for the newspaper option, you will need about 6-7 old newspapers(I don't know the volume of national dailies in your country. I used up to 6-7 Nigerian Guardian newspapers which has more than 100 pages in each).
Pick the newspaper leave by leave. One at a time. Rumple/squeeze into balls as in the picture below and insert it into the dummy case( sure you have the middle zipper already open). Continue stuffing and carefully arrange them to get a smoothly stuffed dummy. ZIP UP and here is the Amazon! Lol.
This can also serve as a scarecrow if strategically positioned in any peasant or commercial farmland. One of my creative students made about five or more of this for her uncle, a successful farmer in the suburbs and she got more than a thank you for that!
ELEPHANTS- name it! Lol.
I do hope the tutorial is helpful a bit. However, if you still have difficulty in understanding this tutorial, do not hesitate to let me know. I will be glad to be of a help. Moreover, if you have anything to add to this tutorial, I honestly yearn for that because I love learning new things and I believe other readers of this tutorial would be grateful you did.
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